Summarize corporate governance considerations (source: cur 4, pg 156-157)
Investors & shareholders should
- Determine whether a Company's Board has, at minimum, a majority of Independent Board Members
- Determine whether Board Members have the qualifications the Co. needs for the challenges it faces.
- Determine whether the Board & its committees have budgetary authority to hire Independent third-party consultants without having to receive approval from management
- Determine whether Board Members are elected annually, or whether the Co. has adopted an election process that staggers the terms of Board Member election
- Investigate whether the Co. engages in outside business relationship with management or Board Members, or individuals associated with them, for goods & services on behalf of the Co.
- Determine whether the Board has established a committee of Independent Board Members, including those with recent & relevant experience of finance & accounting, to oversee the audit of the Co.'s financial reports
- Determine whether the Co. has a committee of IBMs (Independent Board Members) charged with setting executive remuneration/compensation
- Determine if the Co. has a nominations committee of IBMs that is responsible for recruiting Board Members
- Determine whether the Board has other committees that are responsible for overseeing management's activities in selected areas, such as corp. governance, M&A, legal matters, or risk management.
Investors & shareholders should:
- Determine whether the Co. has adopted a code of ethics, & whether the Co's actions indicate a commitment to an appropriate ethical framework
- Determine whether the Co. permits Board Members & management to use Co. assets for personal reasons
- Analyze both the amounts paid to executives for managing the Co's affairs, & the manner in which compensation is provided to determine whether compensation paid to its executives is commensurate with the executives' level of responsibilities & performance, & provides appropriate incentives.
- Inquire into the size, purpose, means of financing & duration of share-repurchase programs & price stabilization efforts.
Investors & shareowners should:
- Determine whether the Co. permits shareholders to vote their shares by proxy regardless of whether they are able to attend the meetings in person
- Determine whether shareowners are able to cast confidential votes
- Determine whether shareowners can cast the cumulative number of votes allotted to their shares for one or a limited number of Board norminees
- Determine whether shareowners can approve changes to corp. structures & policies that may alter the relationship btw shareowners & the Co.
- Determine whether & under what circumstances shareowners can nominate individuals for election to the Board
- Determine whether & under what circumstances shareowners can submit proposals for consideration @ the Co's annual general meeting.
- Determine whether the Board & management are required to implement proposals that shareowners approve.
- Examine the Co's ownership structure to determine whether it has different class of common shares that separate the voting rights of those shares form their economic value
- Determine whether the corp. governance code & other legal statutes of the jurisdiction in which the Co. is headquartered permit shareowners to take legal or seek regulatory action to protect & enforce their ownership rights.
- Carefully evaluate the structure of of existing or proposed takeover defenses & analyze how they could affect the value of shares in a normal market environment & in the event of a takeover bid.
- corporate governance: system of internal controls & procedures by which individual co. are managed. Good corp. governance practices seek to ensure that:
- Board members act in the best interests of shareholders
- related to interest conflict
- the Co. acts in a lawful & ethical manner in their dealings with all stakeholders & their representatives
- all shareholders have the same right to participate in the governance of the Co. & receive fair treatment from the Board & management, & all rights of shareowners & other stakeholders are clearly delineated & communicated.
- the Board & its committees are structured to act independently from management, individuals or entities that have control over management, & other non-shareholders group.
- appropriate controls & procedures are in place covering management's activities in running the day-to-day operations of the Co.
- the Co's operating & financial activities, as well as its governance activities, are consistently reported to shareowners in a fair, accurate, timely, reliable, relevant, complete & verifiable manner
- Independence: a Board member considered as Independent member MUST NOT have a material business or other relationship with some specific individuals/groups
- Board members or Directors: all individuals who sit on the Board, including Executive Board Members, Non-Executive Board Member, Independent Board Members
- Ex-BM: members of executive management
- IBM: individual who meets the "Independence" qualification.
- Non-ex BM: neither Ex-BM nor IBM. represent interests that may conflict with those of other shareowners (such as: union)
- Board: refers to both the Supervisory Board
- Board of Corp. Auditors in countries with a Two-Tier Board structure (such as Japan)
- Board of Directors in countries that use a Unitary Board
Two structures of Board
- Two-Tier Board (Dual Board): has 2 elements: Management Board & Supervisory Board
- Mgnt Board:
- consists exclusively of Ex-mgnt & its charged with running the Co. on a daily basis &
- setting the corp. strategy for the Co.
- do NOT sit on the Co's Supervisory Board
- Sup. Board:
- charged with overseeing & advising the Co's MB
- includes only IBM & Non-Ex BM
- Corp. Auditors System:
- this structure is called Corp. Auditors System & very popular in Japan
- Including:
- Board (<=> Sup. Board)
- Board of Corp. Auditors
- Unitary Board: 2 elements: Boards & Committee system
- Board (<=> Sup. Board)
- may include all: Ex BM, Non-ex BM & IBMs.
- Oversees & advises mgnt & helps set corp. strategy, it could ignore daily activities but can't ignore important matters i.e. mergers, acquisitions, divestitures & sales (spin-off?)
- Committee system
- <=> Unitary Board in Japan (in comparison with Corp. Auditors system)
- use a Board consisting of Ex-BM, IBM & Non-ex BM
- Company:
- firm in which shareonwers have an ownership position
- in which investors are considering an investment
- (hic, so, all positions used "firm" in Corp. finance should be change into "company". the reason is that i'm lazy to type company so i use "firm" for shorter typing)
- Investors: all individuals or institutions who are considering investment opportunities in shares & other securities of the Co.
- Shareowners (shareholders, in my typing /:) ): distinguished from investors by referring only to those individuals, institutions or entities that OWN shares or common or ordinary stocks in the Co.
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