Friday, October 23, 2009

Behavioral Finance

Behavioral finance considers how various psychological traits affect the ways that individuals or groups act as investors, analysts, portfolio managers

Explain biases based on psychological characteristics:
  1. Prospect theory: fear losses much more than they value gains => hold on to 'losers' too long & sell 'winners' too soon. 'cos utility depends on deviations from moving reference points rather than absolute wealth.
  2. Overconfidence in forecasts => overestimate growth rates for growth co. & overemphasize good news while ignore negative news for the firms.
  3. Confirmation bias: => lead to: look for information that supports their prior opinion. eg.: consider growth co. <=> growth stock, cyclical co. vs cyclical stock, defensive co. & defensive stock...
  4. Noise traders: make price volatile without relevant information 'cos have no OWN opinion, tend to follow newsletter writers who in turn, also "follow the herd"
  5. Escalation bias => put more money into a failure (eg. "averaging down" strategy). Solution: ignore sentiment; reevaluate the stock: was there any bad new missed in the initial valuation? or if its valuation is confirmed, acquire more of this 'bargain'.
=> Fusion investing: integration of 2 elements of investment valuation: fundamental value & investor sentiment.

~ Jan 09, I read a graduation thesis 'bout this topic. @ that time I thought that it was funny, stupid. IMO, finance market is for quantitative method, complex model, lots of math, formula, etc.
Hic. Til now I've realized its meaning (although I don't remember what mentioned in the thesis).
Vnese calls it "ếch ngồi đáy giếng".

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